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🎯 Improve Scan Coverage

The goals of coverage are:

  • Transparency: Escape gives full visibility on scans, logging each request executed during the scan.
  • Actionability: Escape provides step-by-step recommendations to configure scans properly and benefit from Escape’s full testing engine capabilities.

Reading the Logs Status​

In the Scan Logs, each endpoint (or "operation" in GraphQL) comes back with one of the following statuses:

  • UNAUTHORIZED: All requests sent to the endpoint came back with an authentication or authorization error message.
  • RATE LIMITED: All requests sent to the endpoint came back with a rate limit error message.
  • SERVER ERROR: All requests sent to the endpoint came back with a server error message.
  • REDIRECTED: All requests sent to the endpoint came back with a redirection error message.
  • NOT FOUND: All requests sent to the endpoint came back with a "not found" error message, although it is defined in the schema provided for the scan.
  • OK: At least one request sent to the endpoint does not fall into one of the previous categories.
  • BLACKLISTED: The endpoint has been blacklisted in the configuration. No request has been sent to it.
  • SKIPPED: The endpoint is not blacklisted, but still no request has been sent to the endpoint.
Error Message Classification

The error message is not based on the HTTP Status Code only. For example, this would not work on GraphQL applications that are supposed to return a 200 Error Code all the time. This is why Escape AI classifies all application responses into one of the Error Messages defined above.

Why Are Some of My Endpoints SKIPPED?

The two most common reasons are:

  1. The server stopped responding during the scan, and therefore the scan was stopped early. This should also raise an issue in the scan results.
  2. The selected scan mode focuses on speed instead of exhaustiveness. Changing the scan mode in the settings can bring better results.
About the BLACKLISTED Operations
  1. Production (Read-only) scans automatically blacklist all data-mutation endpoints, depending on the API kind:

    • REST: POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods
    • GraphQL: mutations operations
  2. A default blacklist is generated when creating your application, mainly to prevent the authentication session from being destroyed during the scan. It can be edited in the Advanced Settings.

How Is Coverage Computed?​

Coverage is calculated using the following formula:

Coverage = Covered Endpoints / Total Number of Endpoints, where:

  • Covered Endpoints = OK + SERVER ERROR

Note: BLACKLISTED and NOT FOUND are not taken into account in the coverage.

How to Improve Your Coverage?​

Set Scan Type to Staging (Read & Write)​

A Product (Read-Only) scan keeps your application safe. It does not perform thorough security tests that could damage your database or infrastructure. In particular, it blacklists all data-mutating endpoints.

Provide Enough Authorizations to Cover All Endpoints​

Configure your authentication method in the Settings to allow Escape to run authenticated scans.

Improve the Quality of Your Schema​

Make sure to provide an up-to-date schema that respects the most recent standards.

Fix Redirection Errors Using the Escape Repeater​

For security reasons, Escape only follows redirection using the Repeater.

Ensure Your Server Remains Reachable During the Scan​

The scan is intense and attempts complex attack scenarios. In some cases, this will make the server unreachable for a few dozen seconds, causing the scan to stop early.

Make Sure the Scan Is Not Rate Limited​

Scans can be slowed down using rate-limiting configuration, though it may impact the scan duration.