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Integrating Apigee with Escape's Inventory enhances the management of your API ecosystem by incorporating your Apigee Setup. Here is how to generate a service account and key for this integration:

Generating a Apigee OAuth Credentials

Follow these steps to create your API Credentials in Apigee:

  • Go to your API Credentials page to generate a service account
  • Click on Create Service Account and follow instructions to create a service account.
  • Add on role of Viewer from Basic roles in the permissions
  • Click on Done to create the service account.
  • After creating, Open the service account by clicking on it
  • Go to Keys tab and click on Add Key to create a new key
  • Click on Create new key and select JSON and click on Create
  • This will download a JSON file with the key details. Open the file and copy the contents.
  • Copy the contents of the JSON file and paste it in the text area above.
  • Important: enable the following APIs in the GCP console:
  • Enable the API Connector API
  • Enable the Apigee API
  • Enable the Apigee Registry API

By setting up this integration, you ensure that all endpoints are accounted for in Escape's Inventory, aiding in thorough security and compliance assessments.